Because Atlanta Needs Jesus

We want you to know that regardless of where you are at, you are welcome here, and we believe God will meet you powerfully in our church services.

We have a place for you and your family

  • A church where you can begin your personal spiritual journey.
  • A safe space for your children to learn Christian principles.
  • A community where your family can grow together with other families.

Community Church is a life-giving church that equips people to carry the love of God outside the walls of the church and to demonstrate Christ’s Kingdom through our daily lives.

A multigenerational, cutting edge congregation, known for pastoring the community, enriching the neighborhood, and authentically representing Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.

God wants a relationship with you.

Worship Experience

God wants to know us personally. More than just practicing religion, He wants a relationship with us. Our weekend services are where we focus on that relationship. Whether you’re new to the faith, have questions, or have been a Christian for a long time, our services are a safe place to learn more about what it means to Know God and grow closer to Him.

Discover your purpose.

Discovery Track

Everyone, at some point, wonders who they are because it determines how we see ourselves. We know people come to church with many identities– some positive, some negative.

Our goal is for you to see yourself the way God sees you. Jesus, the Son of God, taught that we are children who are valued, forgiven and loved unconditionally in God’s eyes. We want you to think, trust and live knowing that you are a child of the Most High God so that you experience the goodness purposed for you here and now.

This is a place where you can find community.

Connect Groups

If you’ve been going through the motions and wishing for more, you’re not alone. Every person has a need to connect with something greater than themselves and with other people who are working to Make a Difference in the world.

Jesus invites us into a new reality called “The Kingdom of God.” It looks like ordinary people living out an extraordinary story together.

Your life can make a difference.


Our mission at Community Church is to guide you in building a personal relationship with God. As you grow in this relationship, you’ll continually find more freedom in Christ and embrace the vision He has for your life.

You’ll develop meaningful connections with others in the same season of life. You’ll make a difference in the world by serving others with your God-given strengths.

Meet Pastor Kevin Earley

Dr. Kevin Wesley Earley is a native of Chicago, Illinois. He is an ordained minister of the Church of God. In October 2020, he became the senior pastor of Community Church. He previously served the Metropolitan Church of God in Detroit, Michigan for seventeen years.

Pastor Kevin is the grandson of the late Rev. Van Cornelous, Sr. who pastored the First Church of God in Harvey, IL. Rev. Earley has a management degree from Illinois State University and earned his Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degree at Anderson University. He is also the author of Every-Member Ministry. 

Pastor Kevin is the former president of the National Inspirational Youth Convention and a member of the Board of Trustees for Anderson University. He currently serves as the chaplain for the Atlanta Fire Department and the Concerned Black Clergy of Metropolitan Atlanta. Pastor Earley is a member of the Berean Fellowship, led by Bishop Timothy J. Clarke.

Pastor Kevin’s has a deep desire to help people experience life as God intends. An ardent fan of the Chicago Bears, Dr. Earley and his lovely wife Precious Ann have been graced with three lovely children Kevin Jr.; Kaleb; and Ky.

We would love to see you in Church!

We have a heart for those in need and minister weekly to those needing food and prayer through our food pantry. We are also missions-minded, starting here in Atlanta, but also reaching out to the world. We want to see individuals and families restored. We believe we have a strategic placement in Atlanta and that we are called to help bring transformation to our city and world. Come join us!